UCB Machine Learning Systems (Fall 2019) Note Summary
随着近期GPT引发的AI狂潮, 我愈发觉得MLSys将会是未来HPC领域绕不过去的话题. 在做了一番调研后, CS294 Seminar是一门不错的进阶课程, 我会通过这个blog持续更新课程学习以及论文阅读的笔记.
课程网站: Machine Learning Systems (Fall 2019)
- CS 162 (System Design)
- CS 189 (Machine Learning)
Week 1: Introduction and Course Overview
Week 2: Big Ideas and How to Evaluate ML Systems Research
Week 3: Machine Learning Lifecycle - Note
Week 4: Database Systems and Machine Learning
Week 5: Machine Learning Frameworks and Automatic Differentiation
Week 6: Distributed Model Training
Weeks 7/8: Prediction Serving
Week 9: Model Compilation
Weeks 10/12: Machine Learning Applied to Systems
Week 11: Hardware Acceleration for Machine Learning
Week 13: Learning with Adversaries
Weeks 14/15: Autonomous Driving